RNG Certification for your Casino Game

What is RNG?
In gaming, a Random Number Generator is used to create random outcomes. In essence, it is the maths in the code that determines the outcome.

What does a RNG do?
RNGs provide the randomness that is crucial for chance-based games through a mathematical system that outputs unpredictable numbers.

Why do I need an RNG certificate?
RNGs are a crucial component for online casino games and are required to ensure the fair gaming of chance-based games.

What is the RNG certification process?
The entire RNG certification process can take up to 4 weeks to complete and will cost around €3,200 to obtain.
… as well as
- Assistance obtaining RNG certification for your existing game and code
- RNG certification from a pre-certified library
- RNG for lotteries, raffles, card shuffles and more
- Certified RNG Gambling for PHP and JavaScript
- RNG testing services